About Brooke Emery: Recognized by Forbes magazine as a connector, Brooke Emery is a creative business strategist with roots in advertising, publicity and film. She brings big vision and mixes it with intuition to connect her clients to key people and resources in her wide network to create business development strategies, partnerships, and win-win-win joint ventures. Equally passionate about elevating profits, creating social impact, and bringing consciousness to the planet she helps her clients shift their mindset from a place of fear, overwhelm, and doubt to one of positive action and possibility. She loves doing stand up with her husband for fun and has two beautiful daughters and a puppy named Ryder.
Brooke is also launching a platform for uplifters to meet their clients coming soon.
She is seeking to connect with other like-minded uplifters, people who have this very specific requirement – people over transaction
About Tammy Lawman: Tammy Lawman is the Host of the Tuned In video show and podcast where she gives people the fuel they need to inspire, motivate and transform. Her mission is to connect you with people, programs, books, methods, techniques and stories to feed your soul and lift your spirit, as well as give you practical advice, tools, and knowledge to intentionally create your life with ease and flow.
Tammy is also a master connector and highly recommended Rock Star Joint Venture and Affiliate Manager in the personal development industry. She’s created thousands of mutually beneficial partnerships generating tens of millions of dollars in revenues with major influencers and clients, including Celebrate Your Life, Marci Shimoff, Debra Poneman, Dr. Sue Morter, Christy Whitman, Dr. Alex Loyd, Jennifer Longmore, and more.
She’s also the creator of How to Become a Rock Star JV & Affiliate Manager Mastery Training Program, where you can learn how to build a solid and reliable work-from-anywhere career that fulfills you and allows you to connect and co-create with incredible authors, speakers and experts in any industry you love!
In this episode, Karen, Brooke, and Tammy discuss:
Success Story of Brooke & Tammy
Commit to Get Leads
Consult to Sell
Connect to Build and Grow
Success Thinking, Activities and Vision
Sweet Spot of Success