Myra Oliver, Secrets of Down Home Money Revealed: 5 Minute Success - The Podcast, Episode 349
myra oliver 5 minute success

Myra Oliver is a Kentucky girl who started her career as a hairstylist and became a real estate broker/investor and entrepreneur.  Her favorite job is the one she does now helping people see their money differently and how it can provide a life worth living and Financial Freedom. She retired at age 33 from doing $5 haircuts, got bored, reinvented herself in Real Estate, and now as a Financial Freedom Coach, Speaker and Consultant. She will take you on a journey that can change your financial future. Buckle up!




In this episode, Karen and Myra discuss:

  • Success Story of Myra
  • Commit to Get Leads
    • Getting leads is a commitment that you have to do every single day. Whoever talks to the most people wins the game – you have to talk to people and tell them what you’ve got or nobody will know about it.
  • Consult to Sell
    • It’s not about you, it’s about what your customer needs and wants to make a difference in their life or business.
  • Connect to Build and Grow
    • You get to decide, everyday, what you are worth and what your big why is.
  • Success Thinking, Activities and Vision
    • Feed yourself positivity – you spend the most time with yourself, so decide now that you are living in abundance and you can be whomever you want to be.
  • Sweet Spot of Success

"It’s not about how much money you make, it’s about how much money you keep."

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Join host Karen Briscoe each week to learn how you can achieve success at a higher level by investing just 5 minutes a day! Tune in to hear powerful, inspirational success stories and expert insights from entrepreneurs, business owners, industry leaders, and real estate agents that will transform your business and life. Karen shares a-hamoments that have shaped her career and discusses key concepts from her book Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day: Secrets of a Top Agent Revealed.

Here’s to your success in business and in life!

Connect with Karen Briscoe:

Twitter: @5MinuteSuccess

Facebook: 5MinuteSuccess



5 Minute Success Links

Learn more about Karen’s book, Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day

Karen also recommends Moira Lethbridge’s book “Savvy Woman in 5 Minutes a Day”

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Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.