Flip Time / Love Life is the story of a Heroine’s Journey. As a tale, it allows you, the reader, to immerse yourself in the experience. Although personal development, self-help, and similar genres offer information, illustrating through story often can impact at a higher level than “how-to” instructions. This is why parables, allegories, myths, and legends have stood the test of time. One can go back and read and reread and glean new insights and applications. The inspiration for this book came from my life and others who have been on my Heroine’s Journey with me.
The majority of the characters and names in the story are essentially a figment of my imagination. The main character is Haley, whose name means heroine. Although the heroine makes do with her ordinary life, she feels as if there is something missing. She ventures outside her comfort zone on a Call to Adventure. On the journey from the known to the unknown, she meets with challenges; takes transformational leaps; and asks for and receives help from friends and guides. As she embraces her full life, she lives into her joy of genius and returns with treasures that empower her to embark on the next call.
The people who have been instrumental in my life’s journey are identified in the story by their real names:
• Moira Lethbridge • Julie Reisler • Hal Elrod • Jon Berghoff
Gay Hendricks • Carol Cox
Immense gratitude to all who have impacted and improved my life! I am who I am in many ways because of you and your contribution to my becoming my “highest and best self